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Rig Movers Create Breakwater to Limit Wave Action

Rig Movers Create Breakwater to Limit Wave Action


In early 2011, ORMI was called to assess and aid a client that was experiencing long waiting periods for weather in excess of permissible limits for a Jackup. ORMI had been involved previously in a pilot project that utilized a vessel’s hull as a breakwater for experimental purposes with tangible results.

On this occasion, a vessel of opportunity was vetted and chosen along with tugs. A procedure was established and accepted by all parties and the operation was put into motion. On both occasions, the seas and swells were effectively reduced to an extent to allow the Jackup to begin and complete pulling legs and coming off location.

ORMI is perpetually improving methods and sharing knowledge within the group and this type of operation is no exception. We are currently developing improvements to the concept that will allow greater flexibility and availability to all potential clients that are suffering the same type of losses due to weather around the world. These improvements in methodology are also aimed at augmenting the safety aspect while reducing the cost factors.


Waiting on Weather? Give us a call. We might be able to help.

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