281.549.4468 | inquiry@rig-mover.com

Project Manager

ORMI acts as Pivotal Contractor in Demob of Ocean Legend in Australia with Oceaneering and Apache

ORMI acts as Pivotal Contractor in Demob of Ocean Legend in Australia with Oceaneering and Apache

ocean-legend-picOur work scope included:

Active Participant in (HAZID) for MOPU Demobilization Safety Case (Australia National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority (NOPSA) requirements), and development of Jacking System Repair Safety Case.

Inspected MOPU for Watertight Integrity jacking system structural surroundings, cooling water, air pressure supply, Emergency Generator supply and alternatives.

Function tested and pressure tested jacking system. Subsequently discovered major repair necessities. Re-tested and cycled jacking system following repairs.

Produced Marine Procedures for demobilization of the MOPU as per Australia Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) requirements.

Jacked MOPU hull down for the first time in 10 years. Jacked MOPU hull down and participate in incremental and comprehensive draft Watertight Integrity Tests.


Directed movement of MOPU 500 meters from offshore production location to a surveyed Safe Jacking Area until mat was raised to stowed position.

Planned and Directed movement/towage from Safe Jacking Area to Malus Bay in Dampier Harbor.

Supervision of mat de-ballasting benchmark timing tests and upon Heavy Lift Vessel arrival.

Planned and Directed movement of MOPU from Whaler’s Bay, Malus Island in Dampier Harbor onto Heavy Lift Vessel. Directed positioning of MOPU during HLV deballasting operations.

Supervision of de-watering remaining water in mat tanks and installation of towlines and chafing gear prior to HLV departure.

Supervised offload of MOPU from HLV in Singapore.

Directed movement of MOPU to buyer’s designated stack site at Singapore Outer Port Limit (OPL).


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