281.549.4468 | inquiry@rig-mover.com

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  • ORMI acts as Pivotal Contractor in Demob of Ocean Legend in Australia with Oceaneering and Apache

    Our work scope included: Active Participant in (HAZID) for MOPU Demobilization Safety Case (Australia National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority (NOPSA) requirements), and development of Jacking System Repair Safety Case. Inspected MOPU for Watertight Integrity jacking system structural surroundings, cooling water, air pressure supply, Emergency Generator supply and alternatives. Function tested and pressure tested jacking system. Subsequently discovered major repair...

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  • Offshore Rig Movers Establish Safety Policy

    HSE/SAFETY POLICY Offshore Rig Movers strives to provide talented consultants to the offshore industry who not only have the requisite skills to perform the technical aspects of the task, but also who have a desire to re-enforce the customer’s safe working practices and policies. We expect our consultants to embrace this concept and to agree to its terms. PPE:...

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  • Rig Movers Create Breakwater to Limit Wave Action

    In early 2011, ORMI was called to assess and aid a client that was experiencing long waiting periods for weather in excess of permissible limits for a Jackup. ORMI had been involved previously in a pilot project that utilized a vessel’s hull as a breakwater for experimental purposes with tangible results. On this occasion, a vessel of opportunity was...

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  • How Jack-up Rigs are Positioned

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  • Methods of Preloading in Areas of High Tidal Range

    Methods of Preloading in Areas of High Tidal Range By Roger Dutton – 4/3/08 Discussion We have always understood that the range of tide will have a significant impact on preloading. While dealing with a changing reference (the sea surface level), the challenges are: maintaining an air gap while keeping the rig below the maximum allowable preloading height, determining...

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  • Anchoring

    Anchoring An excerpt from “An Introduction to Practical Rig Moving” by Roger C. Dutton Gear Bottom Types: For an all wire anchor system as is used on jack ups, 10 times the water depth is considered prudent for the anchor scope. For hard bottoms this may need to be lengthened, for soft bottoms, it can be trimmed a little....

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  • Mid-Line Buoy Installation Procedure

    Mid-Line Buoy Installation Procedure Deck arrangement on boat should include : Anchor buoy pendant pre-spooled on work drum, mid-line wires faked, stretched, or set in bight-coils to free run. Once in position alongside rig, spool length of anchor wire from rig onto work drum to equal the pay-out from the pipeline position to the proposed anchor position. Measurement can...

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